Carmen Galicia

I am Carmen Galicia I come from San Diego. I want to thank CSF Surgery, I was struggling for more than two years for help.

My surgery in San Diego had a cost over $60,000 and I practically begged for them to let me pay in payments, but for them to “see” if they could help me, I had to have cancer.

Thanks to a friend’s husband who had had surgery with CSF, I found out about this help and when I traveled to see them, we thought that if the price were half of what they were going to charge me, it would be fine, I would look for how to pay, but when we got to CSF Surgery and they gave us the price with discounts, it was really very low. I immediately made the appointment with Dr. Sharma, who was very kind, and the nurses as well.

I want to thank everyone who had to do with this whole process, I was really sick with a lot of bleeding to the point that they had told me that my anemia could turn into leukemia they put iron on me, but I eliminated it after a month due to so much bleeding. I underwent surgery at Memorial Hospital and the care was very good, with great kindness, they even got me an interpreter, I have no way to pay for all this.

I want to tell you that with CSF Surgery there is an open door, a light at the end of the tunnel, women suffer a lot, the pain was as if it were that of childbirth, from the belly to the waist and it does not go away for a minute, I took many pills to make me sleep, but when I woke up it was in pain and it was like that day and night, I also had a lot of bleeding, I was yellowish from so much blood that I lost and without energy. Now I feel happy, without pain, without bleeding and with energy, I no longer have anemia and I am going to continue my normal life.

– Carmen

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